Sunday, August 3, 2008

Put a Little Bite Into It!!

It's been awhile my friends. I've seem waaaay too ,many movies since the last time I posted (Dark Knight, Stepbrothers, Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion, The Darwin Awards, Fear and Loathing, Across the Universe, From Dusk Till Dawn, and I think you get the point). I've been a bad girl. My reasoning was, that this is silly and no one is really interested in reading what I've got to say about movies.

I can't help it with this next movie that I watched though. It had me laughing and cheering until the end (when it pissed me off).

Brief Summary:
Dawn grows up in the shadow of a nuclear power plant. In high school, while her biology class studies evolution, she realizes she may have a hidden curse, an "adaptation." She lives with her mom, step-father, and hard-edged step-brother. She likes Tobey, a guy at school, and he likes her. She takes a pledge to remain chaste until marriage, so they date in groups, watch G-rated films, and don't kiss, but the power of teen hormones is great, so temptation beckons. Dawn has an admirer in Ryan, and when she breaks it off unexpectedly with Tobey, she turns to Ryan for help. Will he be her mythical hero and rescue her? Or can she find her way as her own hero, turning the curse into an asset? (Taken from

Random Quote:
"I haven't jerked off since Easter! "

My Review:
This was an independent film made in 2007 that I'm sure many of you have not heard of.
The movie is based on the life of a girl who discovers that she has teeth in her vagina (which was the main reason I wanted to watch it... it just sounded funny). She didn't know it was that way and didn't know that it was a bad thing. She had been embracing the idea of chastity for so long that she was unaware of what her "down there" parts were supposed to be like. I don't wanna spoil it... 'cause really... you should see this... but each time she ends up in a sexual situation that she isn't consenting too, the teeth work their magic.
At first she fears this. She is afraid of her vagina. She finds that in greek mythology there were stories about a toothed vagina. This was mostly due to mens fear of women (in a sexual sense) because it was not and probably is still not something that they understand. In mythology there is supposed to be a hero that conquers it.
As she discovers her sexuality and the man-dominated world around her she becomes stronger.
The majority of the men in this film were violent and sex driven (which was kinda sad but it made me feel better when they were castrated). It was done that way to prove a point... so don't get your panties all in a bunch! :c)
The story was interesting and entertaining. I liked that it actually showed what she had done to people with her toothed vagina. That's not something you normally see. It had a kind of a crappy ending, but I had a feeling it would be that way. Still liked it.
Just as a side note, if you're in the middle of the deed, don't answer the phone, it's just tacky and could cause some major problems. yeesh.

Ya'll should check this one out.

4 out of 5

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