Monday, January 10, 2011

Ten Tiny Love Stories

In this movie, ten women tell stories about a man that affected their lives. They are written as monologues.
Brief Synopsis: One at a time, each by herself, ten women speak directly into the camera and talk about themselves. Talking about a relationship with a man - sometimes a long-term one and more often a brief one - triggers remembrances of a parent lost, of a pet, of childhood. The first woman talks about running into a true love several years later, the second describes her loss of virginity, the third recounts a discomforting blind date; only one woman has experienced a long-term marriage. Dreams figure into several stories. Some ask "Is there only one great love?" "Where am I when I'm in a relationship - even one that ends in a night?," is a question others raise. Written by   (Taken from imdb)

Random Quote: "Make a bridge from your dreams to yourself."

My Review: I didn't really know what to think of this as I went into it. It was on instant play on Netflix. I figured that I could change it if it was not good.
I was surprised to find that I couldn't seem to turn it off. I thought it was actually going to be about love stories. It didn't talk about love as we think of "love", rather, experiences that women have had with different men in their lives... not even men that meant anything.
As each woman recounted her story, it seemed as if she were finding more out about herself than anything else. Doesn't really seem like it would be a movie that a man would enjoy.
There were times that some of the stories seemed to drag on, but for the most part, it easily held my attention.
It was one of those movies that makes you feel kinda funny inside afterward. I think the reason being, that sometimes we forget that people all over the world, have more in common then what meets the eye. We all have experienced things differently, but the emotions that we share are limitless. 

3 out of 5 stars

Monday, March 29, 2010

Do You Want to Know the Meaning of Life for Only $9.99?


FINALLY! A new review!

Brief Synopsis: 
Have you ever wondered What is the meaning of life? Why do we exist? The answer to this vexing question is now within your reach! Youll find it in a small yet amazing booklet, which will explain; in easy to follow; simple terms your reason for being! The booklet, printed on the finest paper, contains illuminating, exquisite colour pictures, and could be yours for a mere $9.99.

This is the ad that alters the life of the unemployed, 28 year old who still lives at home, Dave Peck. In his struggle to share his find with the world, Daves surreal path crosses with those of his unusual neighbours: an old man and his disgruntled guardian angel, a magician in debt, a bewitching woman who likes her men extra smooth, a broken hearted man who befriends a group of hard partying two inch tall students, and a little boy who sets his piggy bank free. Their stories are woven together, examining the post-modern meaning of hope.

$9.99 is a stop motion puppet animation film, based on the short stories of Etgar Keret, one of the leading voices in Israeli contemporary literature. It is written by writer Etgar Keret and director Tatia Rosenthal.

Random Quote: "Ron, have you been smoking pot again?"

My Review:
     I wasn't quite sure what to expect with this movie. I suppose I thought I would learn the meaning of life! No such luck though. 
     The movie is well put together with multiple stories about a different characters that all have some sort of tie to one another. Think Babel, but WAY better and with a darker outlook on life. Each story included a character that you can relate to, either because you've felt the same way or you've seen others act in that way. This allows the movie watcher to become entwined with the story.
     There weren't many things to laugh about in this movie. It was sad and slightly depressing but it was real (to a certain degree). It takes a look and the human condition and how every human is searching for meaning. We are all searching for a connection and most of the time we don't have the words to share our thoughts and feelings with each other. 
     We never get to learn what the meaning of life actually is, because the one person who actually wants to share it never finds someone who wants to hear it. It can be decided though, that the movie's main purpose is to let you know that without love (of any kind), there is no meaning to life.

4 out of 5 stars

Sunday, August 17, 2008

A REAL girl

Lars and the Real Girl

Brief Summary:
In this comedy, Lars Lindstrom is an awkwardly shy young man in a small northern town who finally brings home the girl of his dreams to his brother and sister-in-law's home. The only problem is that she's not real - she's a sex doll Lars ordered off the Internet. But sex is not what Lars has in mind, but rather a deep, meaningful relationship. His sister-in-law is worried for him, his brother thinks he's nuts, but eventually the entire town goes along with his delusion in support of this sweet natured boy that they've always loved. Written by Orange

Random Quote: "Sometimes I get so lonely I forget what day it is, and how to spell my name."

My Review
The description of the film painted a picture of a film that is whimsical and funny and makes fun of a young man that falls in love with a sex doll. The description is quite deceiving. Ryan Gosling does an excellent job portraying a young man on the brink of becoming a hermit with deep emotional scars that lead to his delusion that a doll is real. His brother and sister-in-law are forced to deal with his delusion by pretending that it is true and the doll is real. We see Ryan's character take the doll on dates and to church. We see him build a bond with her. It's not only him that builds this bond though. The whole community falls in love with the doll.
As the film progresses we see Ryan's character becoming more and more troubled with reality. We see him begin to face his own fears.
It was a touching film. It had nothing to do with sex at all. It was more about the emotional bonds that humans form with other humans and about how important that bond really is.
It is definitely a movie worth renting.
5 out of 5 stars

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Put a Little Bite Into It!!

It's been awhile my friends. I've seem waaaay too ,many movies since the last time I posted (Dark Knight, Stepbrothers, Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion, The Darwin Awards, Fear and Loathing, Across the Universe, From Dusk Till Dawn, and I think you get the point). I've been a bad girl. My reasoning was, that this is silly and no one is really interested in reading what I've got to say about movies.

I can't help it with this next movie that I watched though. It had me laughing and cheering until the end (when it pissed me off).

Brief Summary:
Dawn grows up in the shadow of a nuclear power plant. In high school, while her biology class studies evolution, she realizes she may have a hidden curse, an "adaptation." She lives with her mom, step-father, and hard-edged step-brother. She likes Tobey, a guy at school, and he likes her. She takes a pledge to remain chaste until marriage, so they date in groups, watch G-rated films, and don't kiss, but the power of teen hormones is great, so temptation beckons. Dawn has an admirer in Ryan, and when she breaks it off unexpectedly with Tobey, she turns to Ryan for help. Will he be her mythical hero and rescue her? Or can she find her way as her own hero, turning the curse into an asset? (Taken from

Random Quote:
"I haven't jerked off since Easter! "

My Review:
This was an independent film made in 2007 that I'm sure many of you have not heard of.
The movie is based on the life of a girl who discovers that she has teeth in her vagina (which was the main reason I wanted to watch it... it just sounded funny). She didn't know it was that way and didn't know that it was a bad thing. She had been embracing the idea of chastity for so long that she was unaware of what her "down there" parts were supposed to be like. I don't wanna spoil it... 'cause really... you should see this... but each time she ends up in a sexual situation that she isn't consenting too, the teeth work their magic.
At first she fears this. She is afraid of her vagina. She finds that in greek mythology there were stories about a toothed vagina. This was mostly due to mens fear of women (in a sexual sense) because it was not and probably is still not something that they understand. In mythology there is supposed to be a hero that conquers it.
As she discovers her sexuality and the man-dominated world around her she becomes stronger.
The majority of the men in this film were violent and sex driven (which was kinda sad but it made me feel better when they were castrated). It was done that way to prove a point... so don't get your panties all in a bunch! :c)
The story was interesting and entertaining. I liked that it actually showed what she had done to people with her toothed vagina. That's not something you normally see. It had a kind of a crappy ending, but I had a feeling it would be that way. Still liked it.
Just as a side note, if you're in the middle of the deed, don't answer the phone, it's just tacky and could cause some major problems. yeesh.

Ya'll should check this one out.

4 out of 5

Monday, July 21, 2008

He Lost Control

Today's review is on "Control" based on lead singer, Ian Curtis' (Joy Division) life.

Brief Summary:
Control is the biography of Joy Division lead singer Ian Curtis, taking his story from schoolboy days of 1973 to his suicide on the eve of the band's first American tour in 1980.In this time we see Curtis grow from David Bowie-infatuated teen to Sex Pistols-inspired punk, and eventually to rising new wave star.
The movie explores the pressures he felt, from his epilepsy, a failing marriage, his new lover, and a band that relied on him - all in an attempt to explain his decision to hang himself at the age of 23.
The movie is based on Deborah Curtis's biography "Touching from a Distance"
(Taken from

Random Quote: "So this is permanence; love-shattered pride. What once was innocence, has turned on its side."

My Review:
The movie begins when Ian is about 17-18 years old. This is the time when he first met his wife. As you read earlier, the movie was based on her autobiography. The movie is filmed in black and white, as the director thought it should be, as to follow the way that Joy Division had been photographed in their short time as a band.
There are very few videos of Joy Division but the gentleman who played Ian Curtis in the film did an excellent job portraying Ian based on what I have heard and seen. He even mastered the funny little dance that Ian did.
It was interesting to find all of the things that Ian went through. It was really quite sad. Kind of messed up as well.
The soundtrack was good. Sam Riley, the man who played Ian, was the actual singer for the film and he also did an excellent job with that.
There were also a lot of fun special features which included music videos, promotional materials, an interview with the director and much more.
As a whole the movie was pretty good.

4 out of 5 stars

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Fauns and Fairies and Blood- Oh My!

I'm excited about this one here. Took me forever to see it, but I finally did.

"Pan's Labyrinth"
Brief Summary:
In 1944 fascist Spain, a girl, fascinated with fairy-tales, is sent along with her pregnant mother to live with her new stepfather, a ruthless captain of the Spanish army. During the night, she meets a fairy who takes her to an old faun in the center of the labyrinth. He tells her she's a princess, but must prove her royalty by surviving three gruesome tasks. If she fails, she will never prove herself to be the the true princess and will never see her real father, the king, again. (Taken from

Random quote: "You're getting older, and you'll see that life isn't like your fairy tales. The world is a cruel place. And you'll learn that, even if it hurts."

My Review:
Gosh, I don't even know where to start with this one. I feel like all I can really say is that it was great. I won't leave you with that though. :c)

It was a dark drama. Subtitled. Had amazingly (is that a word?) imaginative creatures in it. My favorite was the freaky guy with his eye-balls in his hands. Here's a picture:

I tried to find one of his whole body, but couldn't find a decent one. His body was cool and his eyes had to be popped into his hands. Very freaky. This was the second task. This part kind of reminded me of Alice and Wonderland. So did the first task because of the outfit she was wearing among other things.

There were some gross parts. Gross meaning bloody. I'm not really a squeamish person, but there some parts that made me cringe. It was also a sad movie though. Sad because of the war, the death, the things that people had to give up in order live, the things that a child had to create in order to escape the real world (that is... if you don't believe that fairies and such don't really exist).
This is definitely a movie I would recommend, expecially if you're into dark tales and don't mind reading subtitles.

5 out of 5 stars

The Doctor Is In

Before I begin this next review I want to make note of a tv show that I just watched. It's called "Neverwhere". It's based off of Neil Gaiman's book. It was a lot of fun to watch. If you're into sci-fi British television... check it out. :o) Neil is the best!
Moving on...

Teenage psychiatrist?
Charlie Bartlett thinks he is in this next review.

Brief Summary:
Wealthy teenager Charlie Bartlett is failing miserably at fitting in at a new public high school run by the world-weary Principal Gardner. As he begins to better understand the social hierarchy, Charlie's honest charm and likability positions him as the resident "psychiatrist" dishing out advice, and the occasional prescription with his partner and fellow student, Murphy Bivens, to other students in need. Along the way, he decides to take some of his own advice, find romance, and learn to accept who he is, thus wielding a witty dark comedy about the angst-filled years before college. (Taken from

Random Quote: "I'll see you in the sequel, bitch!"

My Review:
This movie looked like a lot of fun from the previews. The actor who played Charlie was also in Alpha Dog (check it out if you haven't). He did a good job acting in both of these movies. I must admit though, that the movie was not what it seemed it would be. It was one of those movies that they use all the funny lines in the previews and you've got nothing left to laugh at during the movie.
It was kind of interesting to see Robert Downey Jr. play an alcoholic in the film.
The movie seemed like a teenage angst film. If that's what you're looking for, then this is the one for you. If not, I'd say, "Skip it." There's better stuff out there to waste your time on.

2 1/2 stars out of 5